Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Top picture from left to right Brad, Ryan, and Coach Dave
Bottom Picture from left to right Amy, Coach Mark, and Alex

It was a battle! We had been talking about playing each other for a few weeks. Amy and Alex were on the 2005 Beaver high school state championship team. As for me and Brad we were wrestlers and lacked every ability that basketball required. The game was to 21. It was 21 points that took us almost an hour. It came down to a game winner shot by Brad that was set up by an amazing pick. We won by 2 points. Needless to say I slept well that night.



Thanks for filling us in on your life. Post some snowboarding pics next.

Lindsey said...

first of all, hi.

secondly, crin is very demanding of your blog-time.

C. I am happy to see you wearing a Redskins shirt because although I don't care at all about football, I am a Marylander and will support the Redskins till I die.

finally, your blog needs more happy cell phones. also, an apple and banana war. and maybe a dog eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.

I lied, that wasn't the last thing I had to say. congrats on your basketball win. the end.

Mark and Cristin said...

very nice guys all look very intimidating

stacey said...

This was hilarious. I also think that pic of you at Yorktown is pretty neat. How is school these days?

Ryan said...

School is neat! I'm really enjoying my major.